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FB Tunge Tanker 2 kopier.jpg

Heavy Thoughts

82x73x27 cm


Bog foto Woman in FurP1140921 kopier.jpg
A omslag.jpg

Footprints in the snow – a sculptor’s way:


Member of:

Estonian Painters Association (EML)

Danish Sculptors Society (DBS)

Estonian Sculptors Union, Eesti Kujurite Ühendus
Estonian Artists' Association (EAA)

Tartu Artists Association

Sculpture Network

Insta DSC03382-1 kopier 3.jpg

Sharing Oxygen

85x83x29 cm


Fool on the Hill DSC03166 kopier 2.jpg

The Fool on the Hill

52 x 43 x 17 cm


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In the Same Boat

63 x 21 x 27 cm



The Man on the Corner

48 x 32 x 25 cm


Botox 2 kvadrat 2.jpg

The Moment of Relief

56 x 34 x 25 cm


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The sculpture: "The Moment of Relief" on exhibition: "69th Annual Exhibition of Tartu Art and the World's first exhibition of Multisurrealism at the Tartu Art House". 21 Dec. 2024-24Jan. 2025 

The Fullness of  Our Time/

Tidens fylde/Aja täius

50 x 21 x 23 cm


A Life in the fast lane Botox3.jpg

Life in the Fast Lane

58 x 21 x 25 cm


FB Talk to the Hand.jpg

Talk to the Hand

56 x 20 x 15 cm.


A 4 Botox malerier front samlet kopier.jpg

The Difference is Often The Same

The work consists of four parts.

Dimensions of each part:

210 x 255 x 100 mm.


A fra siden 4 samlet kopier.jpg
A Just passing byDSC02463 kopier 2.jpg

Something to See Here?

56x32x22 cm


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The Backhand

48 x 14 x 10 cm


Front 1 DSC02277.jpg

Turn the Turtle

57 x 45 x 34 cm


The Sun is Playing with the Wind

115x40x40 cm


B .jpg

The Sun is Playing with the Wind

Steel and brass.

Prepared project, ready for implementation.

B 2 på Vippen kopier.jpg

Thoughts on the Edge

196 x 35 x 35 cm


Cloud on the Run DSC02208 kopier.jpg

Cloud On the Run

124x127x9 cm



Honestly Speaking

58 x 28 x 7 cm


The Unfoldable Man

42 x 25 x 27 cm


A Entrance with Exit kopier.jpg

Entrance with Exit

Same sculpture seen from 4 sides

46 x 18 x 16 cm


Sculpture: "Honest Mirror" on exhibition “Simple Choices" in City Gallery Pärnu, 24.07-31.08. 2024.


Sculpture: “The Dreamer " on exhibition “Accentuations" in City Gallery Pärnu, 24.07-31.08. 2024.

Sculpture: "Meet Me On Mars " on exhibition “Accentuations” in City Gallery Pärnu, 24.07-31.08. 2024.

A 2 The Eternity before the Thought MaturesDSC01180 kopier.jpg

​Before the Thought Matures

44 x 21 x 18 cm


3 paintings included in: Summer exhibition of Tartu artists in Kadrioru Plaza Gallery, Tallinn: "Between body and metaphor"

Open 9.07. – 14.09.2024


A Tallinn.jpg
A Unpaid Bill GUL cigaret.jpg

​Unpaid Bill

58,5 x 30 x 34 cm


A The man who got tired.jpg

The Moment he had Heard Enough

58 x 21 x 25 cm


A insta The Dreamer kopier 2.jpg

The Dreamer

52x32x25 cm


FB The power of a seed For og Bag kopier 2.jpg

The Power of a Seed

48x10x28 cm


The Sun is Playing with the Wind


A Big smile ny farve.jpg

Big Smile

65 x 37 x 14 cm.


The Man who Wore Mustard

Hat on Sundays

33X9X10 cm


This film is made of: Danish Cultural Institut in Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia.

Opening of exhibition: The Sunshine Family  Per William Petersen, Tampere Maja Gallery, EU Culture Capital 2024, 25 of April

A Tampere poster til FB.jpg

The Sunshine Family

The Sunshine Family has gained 10 new members

38x16x6 cm. All are the same size.

They hang out on the wall.

The whole family will be presented at the

European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024, in the Tampere Gallery with the exhibition opening on 25 April 2024

Click on the poster, and see the whole Family!


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Golden Family Moment

It is one collective work, consisting of 10 sculptures 80x80x6 cm


Samlet fra Tinghøj.jpg

The sculpture

"Together in the West Wind"

was unveiled in Tinghøj Varde, Denmark

the 6 of May 2024

The Sunshine Brothers Found the Horizon - and Moved it a bit Closer.

Two sculptures - 31 cm high.



The Big Step

In Give Denmark 2024


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Honest Mirror

85x28x75 cm


Main photo Stop Man 2.jpg

The Man who Really Meant STOP

when he Said STOP!

84x35x51 cm


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The Unstoppable

50x15x44 cm


Solens gang 2.jpg

The Path of the Sun

in My Window

56x56x22 cm


For og siden.jpg

The Endless Human Engine

92x31x37 cm

3 elefanter sammen kopier.jpg

Even the Heaviest can Jump

40 x 26 x 48 cm.

Smile begge sider kopier 2.jpg

Big Smile

65 x 37 x 14 cm.

To front + bag kopier.jpg

The Twisted pair of Twins 
who Managed to Maintain 
a Horizontal Outlook on Life


Each: 80x20x13,5 cm

Stork i sne.jpg


The ninth member of The Sunshine Family.

Hight 92 cm

Click the photo and see the whole Family Sunshine


Lima bog Per kopier.jpg




Sizes around

30X20X30 cm

2 Orange Siden.jpg
3 Rød siden.jpg
3 samlet kopier.jpg
ASiden alene kopier 2.jpg

The Return of the Snowman

85X67X15 cm


3 +snowman samlet 2 kopier.jpg
King Queen together kopier.jpg
Begge bagfra kopier.jpg

The King and Queen

of the Twilight Hour

The King 52x31x19,5 cm

The Queen 43,5x16x22 cm


My sculpture “Important Men Always end up as Green"

Estonian Sculptors Union Exhibition "Flyers and Monuments". Pärnu Modern Art Museum 


Photos: Pärnu Modern Art Museum  

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The Always Adoring Tornado Woman

Sweeps the Ballroom

74 x 16 x 23 cm

Material: Iron with bronze+wood


Alle samlet kopier.jpg
A DSC08888 kopier.jpg

Sitting Ducks

Each: 15x8x14 cm


Meet Me On Mars

125x75x20 cm


"Meet Me on Mars" on exhibition:

Estonian Sculptors Union Annual Exhibition “Keerukuju/Complex shape".

Viimsi Aatrium, Tallinn Estonia . 10.08-10.09

Photo:Tiit Mõtus


AAAAA kopier.jpg

The Bee Born To Be-Bop-A-Lula

26x18x24 cm


Smoke marmorbredformat.jpg

Come a Little Bit Closer

26x18x24 cm

Marble matt

31x6,5x8 cm




Mother and Daughter in the Summer Breeze.

Art'In Lima 2023 - O Eterno Feminino | Museu dos Terceiros. Ponte de Lima. Portugal


Lille kopier.jpg

Meet Me on The Moon

On exhibition in Portugal. Still open: 2 July to 24 September 2023


132 Applications and 286 Works submitted to Art’In Lima 2023

The contemporary art exhibition Art'In Lima – O Eterno Feminino, promoted by the Municipality of Ponte de Lima, received 132 applications and 286 works by artists of various nationalities: Germany, Brazil, Colombia, Croatia, Denmark, Spain, Estonia, Finland , France, England, Macedonia, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Switzerland, USA and Venezuela.

Come a Little Bit Closer

45x10,5x10,5 cm


Siden ny.jpg

The Brightest One

99X43X53 cm

With light


The Sunshine Family


Red Bird 1927.jpg


The ninth member of The Sunshine Family.

Hight 92 cm


A SidewalkDSC02012 kopier.jpg

The Sideways Walker

26x24x30 cm



The Game

115x130x30 cm


2 siden DSC01832  kopier.jpg

The Eternal Attempt to

Gather Yourself for a New Day.

52 x 23 x 20 cm


The Clash between Right and Wrong

"Right" and "Wrong" always follow each other for some legal reason. They are always up for a fight. Many years ago, I thought that "Right" would one day win. Is that common sense? I don't think so anymore. But it's good that "Right" still wants to fight!

The two sculptures come together as one work, but can be seen in many situations. Therefore, I show several angles of the story here.

Size of each, upright: 57x12x44 cm


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The painting: "Waiting for the Horizon” on ESTONIAN PAINTERS ‘ASSOCIATION exhibition in Kadrioru Galery Tallinn. Curator: Tiiu Rebane. Exhibition is open to 29. April 2023.

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20,5x19,5x5 cm


Looking In To It 2.jpg

Looking In to It

80x13x8 cm


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The Four Sunshine Sisters

A part of the Sunshine Family

Hight each: 31 cm.



Skating the Night Away

A part of the Sunshine Family

Hight each: 30 cm.



One of The Sunshine Family's members:

The Boy Who Ran Past Everything

H 120cm D 85cm W 43cm

Lisboa Cat

26 × 13 × 20 cm


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One of The Sunshine Family's members:

The Tv Weather Girl

H 148cm D 34cm W 57cm

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The Sunshine Family's new Vegan Pet Pig.

H 50cm L60cm W 36cm Weight 22,9 kg


Sisters kopier.jpg


Big sister 126 x 51 x 53 cm

Little Miss Sunshine 89 x 43 x 27 cm


The Sunshine Family's Play Bird

148 x 53 x 33 cm

2 fugle NEW.jpg

The Sunshine Family's Play Bird

148 x 53 x 33 cm

Little Miss Sunshine

89 x 43 x 27 cm


A lille DSC09130 kopier.jpg

Sculpture: "Special Operation"on: The 22nd Annual Exhibition of Estonian Artists’ Association, Spring Exhibition 2022

TALLINN ART HALL.20.06–14.08.2022

A DSC09118 kopier 2.jpg

Boundless Overjoyed

34x34x5,5 cm


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Highest member of The Sunshine Family

Is it the father, who knows?

170 cm high


Lisboa Cat

26x13x20 cm


Tidsforskyd hvid to samlet.jpg

Time Displacement

32x14x19 cm.

One sculpture, but seen from two sides.


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Happyness. Over there! 2.jpg
Waiting for the horizon skygge kopier.jpg

Waiting for the Horizon

Hight 252 Wide 146 Deep 12 cm


Details from:

Waiting for the Horizon


Happiness? Over there!

62x39x12,5 cm.


Fish Kiss kopier.jpg

Fish Kiss

110x70 cm


Lisboa Cat

26 × 13 × 20 cm


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