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Sculpture: “Ladybugman" on International exhibition:

Tartu Printmaking Festival “Shadows” named after Peeter Allik

Tartu Artist House 10.06.–10.07.2022

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Together in the Summer Breeze

Koos Suvetuules

Hight 72 cm Wide134 cm Dept 9 cm


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Democratic Conversation

Two sculptures/ one work

Height 46 cm


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The Man Who found Something he was Not Missing.

60 X 38 X 20 cm


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Monument for:


Includes mothers with children on the run.

Height 171 cm. Width 83 cm. Depth 41 cm


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Feet Warm -Head Cold

92 X 69 x 6 cm

Material: Iron/wood


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Fish Kiss

105 x 48 x 8,5 cm

Material: Wood and author material

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The Woman with the Iron Will

74 x 16 x 23 cm

Material: Iron with bronze 


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Monument for The Rest

20 x 15 x 45 cm

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Stop, I'm getting off!

38 X 14 x 6 cm

Material: Iron with bronze 


Skærmbillede 2022-04-02 kl. 22.51.06.png

Three paintings included on:

The Jubilee exhibition of the Estonian Painter association: LOVE STORY. On New Art Museum in Pärnu.



The Clean Presentation (Niels Jørgen)/Puhas esitlus (Niels Jørgen) Oil on canvas 200 × 100 cm.

Cooperation/Koostöö. Oil on canvas. 210 × 85 cm.


Heavenly Conversation /Taevalik vestlus.

Oil on canvas

110 × 120 cm

Hjemmeside Katrin-Evelin kopier.jpg

Exhibition: „Haiguste ravi. Kontrollitud.“ 18.01.–26.02.2022.

Vaal Gallery Tallinn.


Alice Kask, Kaupo Kikkas, Laurentsius, Maarit Murka, Per William Petersen, Sirje Petersen, Tiit Pääsuke, Kadri Toom, Jaan Toomik, Alar Tuul.


Curator Katri-Evelin Kalaus.

Designer Madis Liplap


A Sneskovl_sh_pernille kopier.jpg


Footprints in the snow 

– a sculptor’s way

Made of Triinu Soikmets for Nordic Baltic Art Center NOBA 2022

Yes, I do snowmen – all the time, even in the summer!

I do not even want to be cured of that occupation, even though life might have been easier without it.


Dreams needs Wings Højre kopier.jpg
Dreams needs Wings Venstre.jpg

Dreams Needs Wings

H 69. W 43. D 47 cm.

Author technic



The Ado Vabbe Award 2021


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The most important Art Prize in Tartu in Estonia

The Ado Vabbe Award 2021, was awarded to the Danish artist Per William Petersen. 

Tartu tähtsaima kunstipreemia pälvis taanlasest skulptor Per William Petersen



320 pages in 3 languages: English, Estonian and Danish

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Per William Petersen has consciously undertaken a deeply intri­gu­­ing experiment on the scale of his own life: to exchange an environment filled with clearly defined patterns of memory for an environ­ment that is completely open to unexpected situations. 


Per William Petersen’s works always make you do a double take, something that has always been touched with sensitivity in people and their nature. 


That is why the works collected in this volume also act as a journey into the human soul, which is full of surprises and emotions. 


Kaire Nurk, artis and art writer


A omslag.jpg


Per William Peterseni teadlikult ette võetud elu-mastaapi eksperiment – vahetada kindlaid mälumustreid täis keskkond läbinisti ootamatustele avatud uue keskkonnaga – on sügavalt intrigeeriv. 


Per William Peterseni teosed tekitavad alati kerge nõksatuse, alati on tundlikult midagi puudutatud inimeses ja tema olemises. 


Nii muutub siinne kaante vahele kogutud teostejada ka ühtlasi üllatuste ja emotsiooniderohkeks rännakuks inimhinge. 


Kaire Nurk, kunstnik ja kunstist kirjutaja




Per William Petersens bevidst gennemførte livs­skalaeks­periment. At udveksle et miljø, fyldt med visse hukommelsesmønstre, med et helt nyt miljø, totalt åbent for det uventede – er dybt fængslende.


Hans værker giver altid et lille ryk, de berører altid følsomt noget i mennesket og i dets væsen.


På denne måde bliver rækken af værker, der er samlet i denne bog, en overraskende og følelsesrig rejse til den menneskelige sjæl.


Kaire Nurk, kunstner og kunstskribent

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Flying Mind

75 X 60 X 50 cm

Author technic

Stars have Sharp Edges

Hight 104 cm

Deep 80 cm

wide 29 cm

Author’s technique / Autoritehnika

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A Siden kopier 2.jpg
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A Hvid Big step kopier.jpg

The Big Step

High 26 cm. Length 39 cm. Wide 10 cm.


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A Soul bagfra kopier 2.jpg


New  in Gallery Objects

Seeking Soul/Otsiv hing

Author’s technique / Autoritehnika

54× 44 × 26 cm

Seeking Soul.jpg
A Reunion Express kopier.jpg


Reunion Express

38 X 34 X 6 cm

Author’s technique / Autoritehnika

A infinity and beyond.jpg


Infinity and Beyond

Author’s technique / Autoritehnika

45× 36 × 6 cm

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Gæstebog .jpg

"Very nice show! Immediately made my mood happy.

Marite Rikkas has not seen such good works and titles for a long time. Thank you!"

From the guestbook in exhibition “Woman in Fur” Tartu Art House 03.09-03.10. 2021.


Exhibition respons in SIRP 24. October 2021. SIRP is Estonias Culture Newspaper comes out once a week.

You can read it here in 5 minutes -if you are good to estonian ;-)

A Til Hjemmeside.jpg

Per William Petersen in Tartu Art House


On Friday, 3 September at 5 p.m. the sculptor and painter Per William Petersen will open his solo exhibition “Woman in Fur. Selected Works 1995–2020” in the large gallery of the Tartu Art House. The exhibition is curated and designed by Madis Liplap. At the opening, a substantial publication about the artist’s oeuvre will be presented.


The art historian Peeter Talvistu has written: “Although

Per William Petersen is originally from Denmark, over the last fifteen years he has become an established and valued member of the art life in Tartu and in Estonia in general. His contributions are no longer seen as coming from a guest from abroad but as works made by a sculptor and painter who is a known and treasured member of the local community. His geometrical style, patina-like finishing and whimsical sense of humour are considered something quintessentially Petersen-esque.”


The artist and art historian Kaire Nurk adds: “Per William Petersen has consciously undertaken a deeply intriguing experiment on the scale of his own life: to exchange an environment filled with clearly defined patterns of memory for an environment that is completely open to unexpected situations. His works constantly make you do a double take, something that has always been touched with sensitivity in people and their nature. They also act as a journey into the human soul, which is full of surprises and emotions.”


The book “Woman in Fur. Selected Works 1995–2020” collects Petersen’s oeuvre from the last twenty five years alongside his thoughts about life and creation. It also includes a lengthy interview and an article by Kaire Nurk. The book is in English, Estonian and Danish.


Per William Petersen is a sculptor, painter and graphic designer who was born in 1955 in Denmark and is living in Tartu, Estonia. He is a member of the Estonian Artists’ Association, Estonian Sculptors’ Union, Tartu Artists’ Union and Danish Sculptors Society. This is his first solo exhibition in the Tartu Art House.


Thanks: Tartu Artists’ Union, Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Danish Cultural Institute, Peeter Talvistu, Kaire Nurk and Tanel Asmer.


The exhibition is open

until 3 October 2021

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Annual Exhibition of the Estonian Sculptors’ Union 2021. 

"Together" “Koos" Bronze / Pronks + model in wood

On the exhibition „Flows into Being” in the Pallas Gallery. 22.09.2021 – 23.10.2021 Curator: Heiti Kulmar

A Wedding. 4  kopi.jpg
A Front mainDSC05692.jpg


New  in Gallery Objects

Calm, Cool, and Collected

Rahulik, külma kõhuga

ja tasakaalukas

Author’s technique / Autoritehnika

56× 26 × 23 cm

A Alle3.jpg

New  in Gallery Upjects

Just as I thought happy could

not be happier 

50 X 40 X 12 cm

Author technic

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The Sculpture "Together in the West Wind" on the international sculpture exhibition ”URBI E ORBI” in Ølgod, Denmark.

26 June to 27 September 2021

The front page of the catalog for the same exhibition




The sister sculpture for "Together in the West Wind" - "Together in the Side Wind" is set up in Elsinore July 2021

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New  in Gallery Objects



Author’s technique / Autoritehnika

58 x 30 x 26 cm.

The head can rotate 360 degrees

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Comming Home


Author’s technique / Autoritehnika

33 × 20 × 18 cm

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New  in Gallery Objects

The Portuguese Cat

Portugali kass

Author’s technique / Autoritehnika

26 × 13 × 20 cm

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Dame højre side NYYY kopi.jpg


New  in Gallery Objects

Meet Me on the Moon

Tutvuge minuga Kuul

Author’s technique / Autoritehnika

60 ×13,5 × 37 cm


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The Moment I Realized

Height 56 cm  Width 17cm  Depth  33 cm

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Tomorrow Man

Height 78 cm  Width 65cm  Depth  24 cm

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A The moment I realized.jpg


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The Moment I Realized

Height 56 cm  Width 17cm  Depth  33 cm

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The Moment 2.jpg


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The Moment I also Realized

Height 38 cm  

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New  in Gallery Objects

The Moment I Realized the Others had Realized

Height 33 cm  

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3 paintings on:

Estonian Painters Association Annual Exhibition "Temporary Area/Ajutine pind" Curator: Jaan Elken. UKM-MONA in Pärnu. Open from 20.02.- 28.03.2021 .

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New  in Gallery Objects

Talking Head

Hight 70 cm. Wide 33 cm. Dept 31 cm

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New  in Gallery Objects

Miss Understood

Hight 270 cm

Author technic

A The man that turned out to be Jazz.jpg


The Man that turned out to be Jazz

Mees, kes osutus Jazziks

Hight 46 cm

Author technic

Gardin vol 2..jpg


New  in Gallery Objects

Even the heaviest curtain can be rolled up.

115X80 cm

Author technic

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New  in Gallery Objects

Together in the West Wind

Hight 100 cm Wide134 cm Dept 33 cm

Author technic

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A Vestenvind siden HDR kopi.jpg
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New  in Gallery Objects

“Are You Talking to Me?”

Hight 100cm

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Woman in fur

High 100cm  Wide  37 cm Deep 28 cm

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Through Unknown Land

L 64 cm H 43 cm W 41 cm

Author technic



Estonian Sculpture Union's annual exhibition -National Library in Tallinn.

Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu 6. korruse näitusesaal

October 7 - October 27, 2020

Per William Petersen:


Going to the History


The Little Book About Everything 
H 58 cm L 65 cm D 22 cm

The Big Book About Nothing 
H 105 cm L 90 cm D 42 cm



Catalog from Estonia Art Union

Spring exhibition 2020 in Art Hall in Tallinn until 12.07.2020

“Cut the Crap” 

Cut the Crap is a Heavenly band consisting exclusively of members of the "27 Club”

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Grand Opening III . Vol 2 

128 cm high

Author technic

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"If you decide to sit on horseback through life,

it is important you select the right horse!”

Length 95 cm.  Hight  94. Wide 3. Author technic



New  in Gallery Objects

Machine of Return

Mixed Materials 

H 44 cm W 52 cm D 20 cm 



New  in Gallery Objects

Machine of No Return

Mixed Materials 

H 50 cm W 45 cm D 15,5 cm



“Cut the Crap” on 20. Spring Exhibition in Art Hall in Tallinn until 12.07.2020

Cut the Crap is a Heavenly band consisting exclusively of members of the "27 Club”

AGetting some Air.jpg

New  in Gallery Objects

Getting some Air

Author technic 

Hight 65 cm Length 70 cm

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Cut the Crap is a Heavenly band consisting exclusively of members of the "27 Club”

Right now it exist of 8 members.




Proposal for prize statuette

for the Music Award

Brass. Height 34 cm

A Band 7 and 8.jpg

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7th and 8 member of the Band: Cut the Crap

Cut the Crap is a Heavenly band consisting exclusively of members of the "27 Club”
Height 720 mm Wide 320 mm Dept 340 mm
Author technic.

A Fra siden janis 5.jpg
A 5. Janis front.jpg

New  in Gallery Objects

5th member of the Band: Cut the Crap

Cut the Crap is a Heavenly band consisting exclusively of members of the "27 Club”
Height 560 mm Wide 600 mm Dept 270 mm
Author technic.

A Band 6 front .jpg

New  in Gallery Objects

6 th member of the Band: Cut the Crap

Cut the Crap is a Heavenly band consisting exclusively of members of the "27 Club”
Height 560 mm Wide 600 mm Dept 270 mm
Author technic.

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A 4 front.jpg
4 siden.jpg

New  in Gallery Objects

Fourth member of the Band: Cut the Crap

Height 440 mm Wide 400 mm Dept 280 mm
Author technic.


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Third Member of the Band: Cut the Crap

Hight 570 mm Wide 320 mm Dept 340 mm
Author technic.

Ulrich med kage.jpg

Here Ulrich Thomsen stands with a piece of cake,

in front of the work "Happily Ever After."

(More in Gallery Upjects)

And remember to watch his new great movie Gutterbee.

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Eesti Energia has used one of my 3 sculptures “Kiviõli” (Oilstone) for the cover of their 2018 annual report.

2014- 1th Prize.. Competition for commissioning work of art to Tallinn University Technology Virumaa College Oil Shale Competence Center. (Tallinn University od Technology)

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A Band 2 fra siden.jpg

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The second member of the band:

Cut the Crap

Hight 470 mm Wide 480 mm Dept 340 mm
Author technic.

A Cut the Crap front.jpg

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Serious Glass Dependent.

The founder of the band: Cut the Crap

Hight 650 mm Wide 270 mm Dept 410 mm
Author technic.

A Cut the crap siden.jpg
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New  in Gallery Objects

The Breakthrough

Depth 72 cm. Hight 125 cm. Wide 35 cm.

Author technic

New  in Gallery Upjects

"The noble art of kicking hole in the sky"

Oil on plywood 1550 X 1150 mm

_The noble art of kicking hole in the sk

"The noble art of kicking hole in the sky"

Is seen in the estonian spy film Traitor from 2019/2020​

Trailor from Traitor here.

In the trailer the painting exposes after 0.36 minute


"The noble art of kicking hole in the sky"

Was used today 2. December 2019, as a backdrop in a TV program about a mayor's overuse, corruption and nepotism. 1,2 hours on estonian TV2.

Cow alle samlet fra siden.jpg

New  in Gallery Objects

"When the Theory of Evolution was taken over by the Theory of Revolution, things got Momentum.”

Hight 30 cm each 


1st prize in the The Estonian Commissioning of Artworks  competition for Heino Eller Music School in Tartu.


The sculpture “Gift to the Music / Muusika and” was unveiled at a festive occasion at the school on August 26, 2019. 

The sculpture is made of brass and corten steel.


A little movie about the reveal here:

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Rytter statue 2.jpg

New  in Gallery Objects

Monument for the Big Man who Ordered Someone to do Something

Hight 98 cm Deep 60 cm Wide 50 cm

Author technic

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Head and Tail

Starting on Tuesday, 4 June at 18:00, a new sculpture exhibition will open at the Haus Gallery – Per William Petersen’s Head and Tail – in which both bronze and wooden carved cheerful characters embody existential ideas. Kristina Miskowiak Beckvard, the Danish Ambassador to Estonia, will also be taking part in the opening of the exhibition by an artist who is from Denmark and lives in Estonia.

Life is flashing by – like the images we see from the window of a moving train. Some images will be lost forever. Others we grab onto and remember forever, until they are engraved in our memory. Head and Tail is an exhibition that is trying to catch some of these fleeting ‘images’ of life, to capture the stories before they fade forever.

To remember the faces of people with whom our paths in life have crossed and met again. To find the head and the tail that we have obtained from the experiences in this journey that is life. Heads and Tails was created at a time when time itself let it be born. Things happened right after life was put on hold. After the pause was over, life continued more fiercely than ever before and the exhibition in hand was born, with all the works having been created especially for this exhibition, none of which have ever been displayed before.

Per William Petersen moved from Denmark to Tartu 13 years ago and continued his life in Estonia as a freelance artist. He has always worked as a creator – a silversmith and a graphic designer – and previously studied at the Danish Design School, in Copenhagen. Per is constantly active in expressing the world in different ways. This means he has had to create new techniques and search for new materials to use in his works.

Nothing in his workflow is static – one door opens the next one!

Per’s themes often evolve around relationships between people. Human beings are like a secret. Curiosity and wonder, to find the head and the tail to all of what is happening in the world, both globally and locally. This is Per’s joy and passion. One of his strengths is his sense of humour. Mixing humour with the truth makes it a very powerful tool.

‘Art is not a spectator sport. Spectators are invited when the game is over’, says Per. You are invited to the exhibition, to see the result of the game!


The exhibition will remain open at Haus Gallery until 29 June 2019.

Head and Tail exhibition opening in Haus gallery 4. juni 2019.
The exhibition was opened by The Danish Ambassador in Estonia Kristina Miskowiak Beckvard

The Head is Not the Tail


Per William Petersen’s exhibition „Head and Tail“ is open at Haus Gallery until 26 June 2019.

The Danish-Estonian artist Per William Petersen (1955) gave his first exhibition, “Golden Moments”, in Vanemuine theatre in the same year that he moved to his new home land. He has been singing his own tune in Estonia all these years as a very fertile freelance creator and an active exhibition author. He is a member of both the Tartu Artists’ Union and the Estonian Artists’ Association, also the Estonian Sculptors’ Union. He is the only known Danish artist in Estonia, whereas the number of Estonian artists in Denmark is somewhat larger (Külli Suitso, Silja Salmistu-Støvring, and others).

Petersen’s this year’s exhibitions, „Humor Is Serious Talk“ and „Truth Is Acidic“, displayed in the library of the University of Tartu within the Prima Vista 2019 festival had not yet finished when the author already launched a new exhibition with a brand new set of works at Haus Gallery in Tallinn. Petersen’s versatile creative history includes short films and videos, whether about his creative process, the river Emajõgi – a meaningful link to Denmark, several „accidental“ documentary clips, but this time Haus Gallery initiated a portrait film about the artist himself. The author, Nando Grancell, is planning to show it next year at the Danish Nyheder documentaries festival ( The artist, having lived in Estonia for 13 years, keeps contact with Denmark also through the embassy, thus it was natural for the Danish Ambassador Kristina Miskowiak Beckvard to also attend the opening at Haus Gallery.

Petersen’s life and artistic credo almost sounds like oriental wisdom: „Make your own life, come as close to your life as possible, create the kind of life you want, work for it, be ready to change your life, even drastically. You are born to be someone and it is impossible to escape it; it will happen to you, so make the best of it.“

The title of the exhibition, „Head and Tail“ (Hoved og hale in Danish), refers to the Danish saying used when necessary to make sense of confusing matters or to understand where the head and the tail of the matter is. Petersen’s titles always tend to be polysemic and involve word play.  In an attempt to identify the head and tail of the Haus exhibition one might think that the tail would be the water-exuding revolver-shaped sculpture „When ALL is DAD and GUN“. The artist turns the apocalyptic saying „when all is dead and gone“ into an ironic retort against ever-growing aggression in the world. The similar-sounding title „When All is Dad and Gone“ is absurd per se, although the threat of a dominating father figure is definitely perceivable. At the exhibition it creates a necessary artistic tension with the joie de vivre radiating from the rest of the works.

Even in the medium of Per William Petersen’s works it is not always easy to locate heads and tails. If in 2006 Per claimed that painting is his life and that to paint means to tell stories, he went on to reveal various reasons to why his paintings evolved into sculptures. One rationale was to step out of the shadow of his painter father. On the other hand he at one point began to see sculptures in his paintings. At the same time we can say that the paintings have remained as well, but can now be seen in three dimensions simultaneously. So the viewer has the opportunity to still see paintings – in his sculptures. In his own words: „These 3D objects are simply paintings that have jumped off the canvas“ (2012). In 2019 he already draws a line between „UPjects“ that can be hanged on the wall, and sculptures.

Characters wanting to emerge from paintings and become objects can also be perceived or even materialised in the works of other artists, but the sculptor-painter (or object artist – painter) symbiosis is a rather rare mix in art history. The means of expression of these two media are probably different and contrary enough to make the outcome either this or that. The objects and paintscapes of Kaarel Kurismaa are a good example of the thorough detachment of these two media.

I wouldn’t compare Petersen’s handwriting to the history of constructivism or to the complicated outlets of this trend in modern times, or with the so-called Swiss art standard. I wouldn’t compare his revolver piece with, e.g., Claes Oldenburg’s fire arms collection, where whatever elements (a tap, a painting glove, iron tool fragments, all kinds of plastic and wooden bits, even shadows on the wall or puddles on the ground) remind the shape of a revolver, i.e. a collection that presents – in the footprints of Andy Warhol – the image of the gun as a truly American icon.


Per’s previously foreign-looking, sincerely and openly designer-like form conception is increasingly losing its special position and merging with the trend that seems to be historically reserved for Tartu – an applied designer form – because other art forms in Tartu have gradually closed on themselves or been made to close.

By way of counterbalance, Per’s wife Sirje Protsin-Petersen’s role as one of the very few contemporary painters in Tartu – is to maintain the expressionist note.  For the unhurried pace and safe environment of Tartu, expression as such has, truth be told, always seemed alien. It is true that even the Pallas school was rather a servant to hedonism. World-pain does not seem to reach the university town on an emotional level. Only through the plane of the sober mind and from a safe distance. Per solves this deep-rooted, slightly ethical dissonance in his own way: “If you mix humour with truth, it becomes a very powerful tool.” 

Kaire Nurk

Art historian/artist

A Red fish man.jpg

New  in Gallery Objects

Just Looking

Hight 64 cm

Author technic

4 nye fugle.jpg

New  in Gallery Objects

When Eggs get Wings

Height from 47 cm to 62 cm

Author technic

Spring 3 samlet.jpg

Spring Exhibition Tallinn Art Hall, Opening 2019

Represented with Grand Opening I and II

Humor Bib copy.jpg
Grafisk bib. copy.jpg



Funny as it may sound, the sculptures of the Tartu-residing Dane Per William Petersen stood out already before the artist started producing the three-dimensional creations he is known for today. Yes, before. Because his paintings were extremely dimensional already at the second half of the previous decade and at the beginning of this one, when it was customary to be confined to a simple two-dimensional picture surface. Everything seemed to be going perfectly, but Per felt he had to do something else because he didn’t want to be just a painter like his father. This feeling had been obvious before, but the wish to take a different path became stronger and stronger, evoking the emergence of the author’s education and earlier experience. As it is, he once studied to be a silversmith and a graphic designer, and therefore can till today see things in their multidimensionality and bring them to life with his own hands just as dictated by his mind’s eye.


I cannot help mentioning that this symbiosis of imagination and handyman was the one thing that my father Ilmar Malin missed especially in the last decades of this life. That he was unable to transfer his mainly drawn ideas into three dimensions. His objects – rams, catapults, etc. – should in fact have been spatial. This is what he said. In addition to my father’s lack of technical skills the realization of these wishes was also hampered by Soviet-time poverty: at least in Tartu there was a scarcity of plywood, of various kinds of screws and nails, and probably of much else as well. With a huge effort it might have been achieved, but so it went…


It makes me glad to see that PWP is and has been playing around with visual SCULPTURES, but sometimes this is accompanied by a fascinating set of conceptual and linguistic games driven to the absurd. The latter ones I would call a byproduct, but one cannot ignore that they help keep us noticing things in a more free(minded) manner. Because things are often different simply when you change the perspective. I admit that an exhibition held within the Prima Vista literature festival certainly has to be concept- and language-centred, more than average.  And this 85-piece row of drawings surely is. But let us not forget that sculpture is the main thing!


I’ll quickly skip back to November 2013. I then invited Per William and his wife Sirje Petersen to participate in the festival Crazy Tartu. They came with their works and my heart sang when I saw them. The entire art part in the former church of the University of Tartu was very strong (in addition to Sirje and Per also Laurentsius, Brian Sibola Hansen, Kristiina Kaasik and Tiiu Pallo-Varik). Sirje was explicitly a painter, Per let shine his strong points: sculpturalism-monumentalism, bright colours (his designer education!) and nicely quirky ideas.


This exhibition (with a clear-cut duality: sculptures and drawings) is like a perfect meal – you have a taste and develop a ravenous appetite, but… that is all there is! So – come again next time. Hopefully next time the viewer gets to see an exhibition that can muffle also the rumbles of the hungry stomach. I’d be interested to see what comments would come to the different architectural landmarks of Tartu. Probably similar to the present book-shapes “The Big Book About Nothing” and “The Small Book About Everything”, which at first glance resembled the tip of the Tigutorn tower. What inspiration might come from the main building of the university, or the Town Hall. Any final lists here would be pointless, because Per is enough of a resident and yet enough of an outsider to be able to notice the unexpected and the characteristic in our surroundings.


Finally, there is another aspect of Per’s creation represented in the university library. He has made several (short) films, most of which reflect the same healthy, dislocated and smirky-ironic worldview already pointed at. All films also have a perspective-related or even literary punch line familiar from his other creation. I admit that it was very convenient to watch the films on the big screen at the exhibition, but I didn’t see enough and later also visited the site An ad company able to apply Per’s ideas should thank their lucky stars – all that he offers, being an artist with a designer background, is so clear(coloured), eye-catching and with a friendly twist.

Jaan Malin

Writer and artist


"Pushing The Sky" and "The Morning Worm Is The Best Worm Of The Day" on:

Estonian Sculptors Union „Garden of Intersecting Roads” Tallinna Botanic Garden 01.06-31.08


New  in Gallery Upjects

The bird has flown

115 cm X 80 cm

Author technic

A 3 birds New.jpg

New  in Gallery Upjects

Good friends don't need a tree

115 cm X 80 cm

Author technic

A The Cow from side.jpg

New  in Gallery Objects

The Cow who just Wanted herself a Nose Ring.

H 260 mm W 185 mm D 350 mm

Author technic

A Radar.jpg

New  in Gallery Objects

Radar Love

Hight 60 cm

Author technic

A front.jpg

New  in Gallery Objects

My Wife is Helicopter

Hight 53 cm

Author technic
